Thursday, May 17, 2007

Blog # 9---Option 1

The major directors from the film school generation are Martin Scorseses, Francis Ford Coppola, and George Lucas. They were all considered "Movie Brats" of the 1970s. Scorseses has a reputation of being one of the leading filmmakers of his generation. He has a style of his own. He went to NYU Film School. He grew up in New York so he likes to make it the background of a lot of his movies and he does a great job doing it. He did this in the movie Taxi Driver. In this movie he used jump cuts, expressionist lighting, point of view shots, and slow motion to reflect the protagonist's heightened psychological awareness. After Taxi Driver, he made Raging Bull in 1980 which stared Robert De Niro as well. This movie was named best Film of the Decade by numerous magazines and critics' polls. This movie received 8 academy award nominations. Different from his previous movies he used employing extensive slow-motion, complex tracking shots, and extravagant distortion of perspective. He used things such as jump cuts, expressionist lighting, point of view shots A lot of his films had insecure males, violence, guilt, and redemption in them. Some other films he directed are Goodfellas, New York, New York, The King of Comedy, After Hours, Gangs of New York, and the Aviator.
Francis Ford Coppola went to film school at UCLA. His first notable film was low-budget Dementia 13. He also directed Patton which won him an academy award. What really made him though was the production of The Godfather and The Godfather Part II. This was the first sequel to both win Academy Award for Best Picture. He also filmed Apocalypse Now, The Outsiders, Peggy Sue Got Married, The Godfather Part III, and Marie Antoinette. He also founded the American Zoetrope studio. This would be a studio where you could do what you wanted and have no one telling you anything. It was away from the Hollywood Studio rules. Now his children own it.
George Lucas went to USC for film school. His huge success came from American Graffiti and Star Wars. Star Wars turned out to be one of the most successful films of all time. In 2005 estimated the lifetime revenue generated by the Star Wars franchise at nearly $20 billion. With the money he earned he opened Lucasfilm. The sound and visual effects subdivisions of Lucasfilm, respectively, have become among the most respected firms in their fields. Lucasfilm Games, later renamed to LucasArts, is highly regarded in the gaming industry. Lucas and Spielberg worked together a lot on films most notably the Indiana Jones Trilogy.
These men were all great directors. I think people just loved all of the action in their films. Almost all of their films are non stop action. They all made a lot of money and had a lot of success.

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